Samantha - Andrealphus Games (2024)

In-game description:
Samantha's Wedding: "Samantha returned to my life, and she's getting married to Ryan. I still have kind of a crush on her, though."
Samantha's Marriage: "Samantha and Ryan are married, but all is not well in paradise. I can increase my influence on her either encourage her to divorce or stay with Ryan for other reasons."
Samantha: "Now that Samantha is free of Ryan, I am free to pursue a relationship with her."

Samantha used to be Mike’s roommate, but moved out so she could be with her boyfriend Ryan. Mike used to have a crush on Samantha (and still does).

Samantha is not initially dateable, and can only be dated depending upon her story progression with her wedding.

After a successful date, Samantha can do BJ, titjob, missionary or doggy. If doggy, she has options for blindfold, dild* and anal beads.

She has an alternate ending scene if Mike marries her at 100 .


  • 1 Story events
    • 1.1 Introduction
    • 1.2 Samantha moves
    • 1.3 Samantha does homework
      • 1.3.1 Ryan cheats on Samantha (optional)
    • 1.4 Fun At Samantha's House
    • 1.5 Path A (Stop the Wedding)
      • 1.5.1 Tell Samantha Ryan is a cheater
      • 1.5.2 Samantha cheats on Ryan
      • 1.5.3 Samantha asks for a date
      • 1.5.4 Samantha's confession
      • 1.5.5 Samantha wants to know the truth
      • 1.5.6 The one that got furious
  • 2 Samantha’s wedding
    • 2.1 Path B (Marriage Path)
      • 2.1.1 Marriage ain’t all that
      • 2.1.2 Marriage sucks
      • 2.1.3 Cheater got Pregnant
    • 2.2 Path C (Threesome Path)
      • 2.2.1 Sam asks personal questions
      • 2.2.2 Sam and Ryan talk threesome
      • 2.2.3 Samantha MMF
    • 2.3 Path D (Revenge Path)
      • 2.3.1 Samantha BJ 1
      • 2.3.2 Samantha BJ 2
      • 2.3.3 Samantha Reverse Cowgirl
      • 2.3.4 Talk with Samantha about Ryan
      • 2.3.5 Samantha Weekend visit
    • 2.4 Path E (Breakup Path)
      • 2.4.1 Samantha dumps Ryan
  • 3 Sex events
    • 3.1 Hot tub Sex
    • 3.2 Beach Date Sex
  • 4 Other events
    • 4.1 Birthday date
    • 4.2 Pregnancy request
    • 4.3 Samantha forgot money
    • 4.4 Samantha wants a dress
    • 4.5 Samantha meets Bree
    • 4.6 Samantha meets Sasha
    • 4.7 Samantha chats with Bree
    • 4.8 Shopping for baby
  • 5 Time schedule
    • 5.1 Before moving
    • 5.2 After she moved in with Mike


Prerequisites: Street, 10:00-17:00, > 7 days played

Mike meets Samantha on the street and has a conversation with her to catch up.

Outcome: Samantha becomes available. Samantha max set to 20.

Samantha moves

Prerequisites: Bakery, 17:00, Samantha >= 20

Mike runs into Samantha at her job in the Bakery. After chatting, she asks him to help her finish moving her stuff.

Outcome: Samantha max set to 30, Mike loses an entire day.

Samantha does homework

Prerequisites: Park 09:00-17:00, Samantha >= 30

Mike finds Samantha in the park struggling with her homework. He can try to help her. This scene has different dialogue if > 25.

This event will start the clock on Samantha’s wedding, which will happen the first Saturday after 7 days have passed. Intervening events that are not triggered will not happen.

Outcome: Samantha max set to 40.

Ryan cheats on Samantha (optional)

Prerequisites: Nightclub, Samantha >= 40

This event has a time limit! After the park event you only have 7 Days to max love Samantha = 40 and see him cheating! If you don't finish it in time you can't finish this event anymore.

Mike spies Ryan in the nightclub, offering to take a girl elsewhere for sex. He takes photos as proof for Samantha.

WARNING: You can't get Samantha past 50 unless you play path D. If you tell her that Ryan cheated (first event on Path A) you'll stop the wedding. If you don't tell her that you'll continue on path B.

After finishing Marriage Sucks or path D you will continue on path E which leads to Samantha asks for a date on path A.

Fun At Samantha's House

Prerequisites: Samantha knows that Ryan cheats, Samantha is engaged to or married to Ryan, Mike has a car, 13:00-18:00, Samantha >= 45, 15% chance

Mike will receive a text from Samantha inviting him to her house to have fun while 'Ryan is away'.

Path A (Stop the Wedding)

WARNING: Playing path A will lock you out from collaring Samantha!

Tell Samantha Ryan is a cheater

Prerequisites: Interact with Samantha, has evidence of cheating

  • Mike can tell Samantha about Ryan cheating on her. If he does, this will automatically continue Path A of her story.
  • He can choose not to and let her go through with it. If this option is chosen the wedding ceremony will happen and it opens many different paths how the story can develop.

Outcome: Samantha Max set to 50

Samantha cheats on Ryan

Prerequisites: Home, 22:00-04:00, told about Ryan.

Samantha shows up at Mike’s house, drunk and upset. She asks Mike to tell her he loves her; if he says yes, they’ll have sex.

Outcome: Samantha can be kissed.

Samantha asks for a date

Prerequisites: Bakery, Samantha >= 50, done Samantha cheats on Ryan, reached end of path D or path E

Samantha told Ryan about what happened and asks Mike on a date. There are several options with very different dialogue.

Outcome: Samantha max set to 75; Samantha is datable, and no longer engaged or married to Ryan.

Samantha's confession

Prerequisites: done Samantha asks for a date, Samantha >= 75 , interact with her

Samantha confesses to Mike that she only realized on how bad Ryan treated her when Mike opened her eyes and why she took so long to take off the wedding ring.

Outcome: Samantha max set to 85,

Samantha wants to know the truth

Prerequisites: done Samantha's confession, not in the process of adding someone to the home harem, Samantha >= 85,

Samantha asks Mike if he has been seeing other girls on the side.

I admit ( < 75)
I'll be faithfulSamtha's status will change to girlfriend
I can't promiseSamantha is gone forever
I admit ( >= 75)Samantha will accept a non exclusive relationship
You're the only oneSamtha's status will change to girlfriend

Outcome: Depending on your choice from the table, Samantha max set to 100

The one that got furious

Prerequisites: Samantha is your girlfriend, not non-exclusive relationship, cheated on her, on a date

Samantha gets a little bit mad at Mike.

Outcome: Samantha is gone forever

Prerequisites: Sat 12:00-20:00, did not tell about Ryan OR 7 days passed and did not do Ryan cheats on Samantha

Mike attends Sam and Ryan’s wedding. There are several possible paths:

  • Mike can ignore the cheating an just choose to dance at the wedding. This will continue path B.
  • If Mike knew about the cheating and didn’t tell, he can go for a walk. Samantha will have caught Ryan f*cking Natalie in the bathroom and will offer to f*ck Mike in revenge. This opens path D .
  • Mike can go to the bathroom and catch Ryan cheating with Natalie (the bridesmaid). This will continue path B and also lead to an alternative way to path D.

Outcome: Samantha max set to 60.

Path B (Marriage Path)

Marriage ain’t all that

Prerequisites: Samantha present 10:00-18:00, Samantha >= 60, done Samantha’s Wedding

Mike runs into Samantha. Her marriage isn’t what she hoped for, so she hangs out with Mike. They go shopping and then Sam goes home with Mike. Eventually Ryan texts Samantha and she leaves.

Outcome: Samantha max set to 70, book (choice between skill: cooking, 2 or 2 )

Marriage sucks

Prerequisites: Home, 20:00-24:00, Samantha >= 70, done Marriage Ain’t All That

Samantha had a talk with Ryan about their marriage not working, and in response he disappeared. She looks for comfort and then sex.

Afterward, Mike has the opportunity to tell her Ryan cheated, if he knows.

  • If Mike tells her, she will asks why Mike waited so long
    • If he says Sam isn’t much better, she leaves, and this opens path D.
    • If he apologizes, this opens path E.
  • If Mike doesn’t tell her about the cheating, she suggests a threesome with Ryan. This opens path C of her story.

Outcome: Samantha max set to 80

Cheater got Pregnant

Prerequisites: Home 16:00-24:00, Sam got pregnant during Marriage sucks AND Mike didn’t apologize for not telling about cheating

Sam’s pregnant and she doesn’t know who the father is.

Outcome: Samantha max set to 90

Path C (Threesome Path)

Sam asks personal questions

Prerequisites: 14:00-15:00, 10% chance, Samantha >= 80, Sam suggested threesome during Marriage sucks (path B)

Sam calls Mike and asks personal questions about his sex life.

Outcome: Samantha max set to 85

Sam and Ryan talk threesome

Prerequisites: Bakery, Sam present, done Sam asks personal questions, Samantha >= 85

Sam and Ryan talk to Mike about the potential threesome. Ryan isn’t too happy with it. If Mike doesn’t indicate interest, path ends.

Outcome: Samantha max set to 100

Samantha MMF

Prerequisites: Living room Fri 20:00-22:00, done Sam and Ryan talk threesome, Samantha >= 90

Sam and Ryan drop by for a threesome.

Path D (Revenge Path)

Note: This is the only path where you can collar Samantha and also add her in the Home Harem.

If you choose the Revenge path Samantha's max will be set to 60 and Samantha will be datable.

Samantha BJ 1

Prerequisites: Livingroom/Bedroom/Kitchen/Bathroom/Hallway Sat 14:00-18:00, Samantha >= 55

Samantha will come over to Mikes house saying she was just passing by and talk with him about his roommates for a bit. She confesses that she didn't just pass by and wants to talk with mike about the wedding. They get interrupted by a phone call from Ryan, Samantha hands the phone after a short talk to Mike and starts giving him a blowj*b.

Outcome: Samantha max set to 60, max set to 60

Samantha BJ 2

Prerequisites: Livingroom/Bedroom/Kitchen/Bathroom/Hallway Sat 14:00-18:00, Samantha >= 60

Samantha comes by again, this time she says that she forgot something the last time she was here. After a while she gets ready to give Mike another blowj*b.

You have the choice to push her head down in this scene which will add +5 , and change the ongoing conversation.

If you choose not push her head down, you will gain +3 .

Outcome: +3 OR +5 , Samantha max set to 65, max set to 70

Samantha Reverse Cowgirl

Prerequisites: Livingroom/Bedroom/Kitchen/Bathroom/Hallway Sat 14:00-18:00, Samantha >= 65

Samantha comes by a third time, but this time without any excuse. She goes straight to Mike's bedroom.

Unless she is on the pill, Samantha may get pregnant from this event!

Outcome: Samantha max set to 70, max set to 80

Talk with Samantha about Ryan

Prerequisites: Samantha >= 70

Go see Samantha at any time and talk with her about Ryan and the current situation.

Outcome: Samantha max set to 90

Samantha Weekend visit

Prerequisites: Livingroom/Bedroom/Kitchen/Bathroom/Hallway Sat/Sun 14:00-18:00, Samantha >= 70

Original: Samantha comes by for a visit. This is the last event of the revenge path.

Alternative: If you caught Ryan cheating during the wedding you will have Sam visit you together with a friend of hers. Mike has to decide if he accepts or refuses Samantha's offer.

Outcome: Samantha max set to 80, max set to 100, can call for Booty Calls at >= 75, If you see her the next time then you reach path E and after that path A.

Path E (Breakup Path)

Samantha dumps Ryan

Prerequisites: 14:00 - 15:00, 25% chance, told about cheating during Marriage sucks and apologized or finished Path D, Samantha >= 80, Samantha is NOT present

Sam will call Mike and ask to meet him. Sam tells Mike that she’s dumping Ryan. Ryan shows up very angry and there can potentially be a fight. Mike leaves with Samantha.

If >= 50 the dialogue will change a bit, the outcome stays the same.

Outcome: Sam is dateable and divorced. Samantha max set to 85. The story will continue on this Path A event.

Hot tub Sex

Prerequisites: Home Date, Samantha >=50, Sex with Samantha at least once, Hot tub repaired

During at Date at home click the "Dip in the hot tub" button when all the requirements are met.

Beach Date Sex

Prerequisites: Beach Date, Samantha's >= 2.

Sam doesn't even wait for the date to be over to enjoy sexy time with the MC.

Birthday date

Prerequisites: Samantha is datable, Go on a date with her at her birthday

Mike invites Samantha to a special date for her birthday. He can make a couple of decisions during that event

Samantha can't get pregnant from this event.

Decision 1 > = 50elseDecision 3 >= 50elsedrinks
Agree-10+10Tell her to slow down+10-10+0
Ask for the window table+10-10Let her have fun-+10+1
Decision 2-Final restaurant modifier
Don't give her a gift- 20Mike has less than 200 -10
Give her a normal gift+20Mike has 200 +10
Give her a unusual gift- 20If >= 30, they will go to the club. If not the date ends after the restaurant
Decision 1 >= 50elseDecision 3 >= 50elsedrinks
Wait-10+10Tell her to slow down-10+10+0
Jump the line+10-10Let her have fun+10-10+1
Decision 2 >= 50else
Let's dance+10-10If Samantha didn't drink & >= 50 you'll trigger the special birthday scene.
Let's drink-10+10

Pregnancy request

Prerequisites: Status is girlfriend, days since status changed >= 7, not pregnant already, Samantha is present

She proposes to Mike to impregnate her.

Samantha forgot money

Prerequisites: Pub, Samantha present, 5% chance

Samantha forgot her money. Mike can offer to pay her bar tab for 1 .

Samantha wants a dress

Prerequisites: Clothes shop, Samantha present, 5% chance

Samantha wants a dress but can’t afford it. Mike can buy it for her for a couple of .

Samantha meets Bree

Prerequisites: Pub, > 20 days played, Bree present

Mike introduces Samantha to Bree.

Samantha meets Sasha

Prerequisites: Pub, > 5 days played, Sasha present

Mike introduces Samantha to Sasha.

Samantha chats with Bree

Prerequisites: Pub or Nightclub, Samantha knows Bree, 10% chance

Sam and Bree will chat. This is repeatable and can change depending on where in Sam’s storyline she is.

Shopping for baby

Prerequisites: Mall date with Sam, Sam pregnant

Mike and Sam shop for baby clothes.

The following table shows at which time you can meet Samantha in various locations.

Warning: The table is only valid if you turn randomness off.

Before moving

00:00 01:00pub00:00 01:00pub00:00 01:00pub00:00 01:00pub00:00 01:00pub00:00 03:00pub00:00 05:00nightclub
02:00 06:00sleep02:00 06:00sleep02:00 09:00sleep02:00 06:00sleep02:00 06:00sleep04:00 10:00sleep06:00 14:00sleep
07:00 18:00bakery07:00 18:00bakery10:00 12:00bakery07:00 18:00bakery07:00 18:00bakery11:00 12:00gymfall/winter15:00 18:00park
19:00 23:00pub19:00 23:00pub13:00 14:00gym19:00 23:00pub19:00 23:00pub11:00 12:00waterparkspring/summer19:00 23:00pub
15:00 16:00park13:00 16:00park
17:00 18:00park17:00 18:00mall (ground floor)
19:00 23:00pub19:00 23:00pub

After she moved in with Mike

00:00 01:00pub00:00 01:00pub00:00 01:00pub00:00 01:00pub00:00 01:00pub00:00 03:00pub00:00 05:00nightclub
02:00 05:00bedroom02:00 05:00bedroom02:00 08:00bedroom02:00 05:00bedroom02:00 05:00bedroom04:00 10:00bedroom06:00 14:00bedroom
06:00bathroom06:00bathroom09:00bathroom06:00bathroom06:00bathroom11:00 12:00gymfall/winter15:00 18:00park
07:00 18:00bakery07:00 18:00bakery10:00 12:00bakery07:00 18:00bakery07:00 18:00bakery11:00 12:00waterparkspring/summer19:00 23:00pub
19:00 23:00pub19:00 23:00pub13:00 14:00gym19:00 23:00pub19:00 23:00pub13:00 16:00park
15:00 16:00park17:00 18:00mall (ground floor)
17:00 18:00park19:00 23:00pub
19:00 23:00pub
Samantha - Andrealphus Games (2024)


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Author: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Views: 6442

Rating: 5 / 5 (70 voted)

Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Birthday: 2000-07-07

Address: 5050 Breitenberg Knoll, New Robert, MI 45409

Phone: +2556892639372

Job: Investor Mining Engineer

Hobby: Sketching, Cosplaying, Glassblowing, Genealogy, Crocheting, Archery, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.