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AMBASSADOR PLATINUM VEHICLE SERVICE CONTRACTRegistration PageContract NumberCoverageAmbassador PLATINUMContract Holder InformationContract Holder:State:Contract Holder:Zip:Address:Home Phone:City:Cell Phone:Seller InformationProtect My Car844-556-4762570 Carillon Parkway,Suite 300www.protectmycar.comSt. Petersburg, FL 33716filings@protectmycar.comVehicle InformationYear:Make:Model:VIN:Mandatory Commercial UseVehicle Surcharge(If box is not checked,Surcharge does not apply)Ambassador Platinum Contract InformationContract Term:Expiration Date:Contract Sale Date:Contract Purchase Price:Current Odometer:Deductible:Please refer to Definitions forthe total deductible perrepair.1PROTECT MY CAR AMBASSADOR PLATINUM 01/01/2020

IMPORTANT NOTICE: This is not a contract of insurance. This isa vehicle service contract that covers YOUR VEHICLE againstcertain specified costs of repair and/or replacementnecessitated by a MECHANICAL BREAKDOWN, subject to theterms and conditions set forth in this CONTRACT.The purchase of this CONTRACT is optional and is not requiredin order for you to purchase or obtain financing of a motorvehicle.All AMBASSADOR PLANS - Coverage begins when your waitingperiod has been fulfilled and the down payment has beencollected. There is a 30 day and 1,000 mile WAITING PERIOD beforeclaims may be filed (See DEFINITIONS: WAITING PERIOD foradditional requirements). No benefits are available until the waitingperiod has been fulfilled.OUR obligations under this Contract are insured under anInsurance Policy issued by Virginia Surety Company, Inc., 175West Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Illinois 60604. In the event WEcease to operate, are bankrupt or benefits are not providedwithin sixty (60) days after proof of eligibility for benefits hasbeen filed, YOU may file a direct claim with Virginia SuretyCompany, Inc. To do so, call the following toll-free number forinstructions: 1-800-209-6206.PROTECT MY CAR AMBASSADOR PLATINUM 01/01/20202

PROTECT MY CAR LLCAMBASSADOR PLATINUM VEHICLE SERVICE CONTRACTDEFINITIONSThis CONTRACT contains words and phrases that have a particularmeaning and appear throughout this CONTRACT. This sectiondefines the words that are used throughout this CONTRACT:ADMINISTRATOR: means Protect My Car LLC, a Delaware LLC withits operations center located at 570 Carillon Parkway, Suite 300, St.Petersburg, Florida 33716: Telephone Number: 844-556-4762AMBASSADOR CONTRACT or CONTRACT: means thisAMBASSADOR CONTRACT issued to YOU and covering YOURVEHICLE (detailed on the REGISTRATION PAGE of this AMBASSADORCONTRACT).ASE CERTIFIED and LICENSED REPAIR FACILITY: means anautomotive repair facility with a valid Tax ID or EIN Number, whichis ASE Certified, Licensed and operating in compliance with all city,state, and federal guidelines, which regulate these facilities, andwhich is located in the contiguous forty-eight states of the UnitedStates of America.CONTRACT PERIOD or CONTRACT TERM or TERM: means theperiod of time this AMBASSADOR CONTRACT remains active. YOURCONTRACT becomes active once your initial down payment hasbeen collected by US and the waiting period has been fulfilled. Aslong as YOUR CONTRACT remains in good standing (which meansyour reoccurring monthly payments are up to date per yourpayment agreement), YOUR CONTRACT will remain active until theexpiration date. YOUR AMBASSADOR CONTRACT requires amandatory thirty (30) day WAITING PERIOD before a claim can befiled. The CONTRACT TERM appears on the Registration Page.CONTRACT PURCHASE DATE or PURCHASE DATE: means the datethe AMBASSADOR CONTRACT was purchased.CONTRACT PURCHASE PRICE: means the consideration paid for anAMBASSADOR CONTRACT3PROTECT MY CAR AMBASSADOR PLATINUM 01/01/2020

COVERAGE or COVERAGE TYPE: means the coverage YOU have onYOUR VEHICLE as described by the COVERAGE TYPE shown on theREGISTRATION PAGE and the terms of this CONTRACT.DEDUCTIBLE: means YOUR portion of the repair cost on allapproved MECHANICAL BREAKDOWN repairs. YOUR DEDUCTIBLE isequal to Twenty-Five Percent (25%) of the LICENSED REPAIRFACILITY’s original estimate for the repair or replacement ofcovered components. Your DEDUCTIBLE will always be based on theLICENSED REPAIR FACILITY’s original estimate of the cost of repairs.NO DEDUCTIBLE is required on approved claims for oil changes, tirerotations, roadside assistance or towing, the cost of which will bepaid in full by US, up to the maximum benefits described in thisCONTRACT. Any additional expense to YOU is specified in theROADSIDE ASSISTANCE COVERAGE section below.EXCLUSIONS: means those parts and services excluded fromcoverage as set forth in this CONTRACT.LIMIT OF LIABILITY: means the maximum amount that can be paidout by US under this CONTRACT on all claims received by US duringthe term of this CONTRACT, including MECHANICAL BREAKDOWNrepairs, maintenance and road side assistance claims, as well as anyadditional claims for reimbursem*nts provided and approved underthis CONTRACT. OUR LIMIT OF LIABILITY under this CONTRACT isFIFTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ( 15,000.00).MECHANICAL BREAKDOWN, or BREAKDOWN or FAILURE: meansthe failure of any parts(s) or component(s) not excluded fromcoverage to perform the function(s) for which it was designed bythe manufacturer.OEM: means Original Equipment Manufacturer.PREEXISTING CONDITIONS: means defects that existed in relationto YOUR VEHICLE on or before the date YOUR CONTRACT waspurchased and any MECHANICAL BREAKDOWN not otherwiseexcluded under this CONTRACT, that exists or occurs at any timeprior to the CONTRACT PURCHASE DATE or which occurs during theWAITING PERIOD.PROTECT MY CAR AMBASSADOR PLATINUM 01/01/20204

All PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS are excluded from coverage underthis vehicle service CONTRACT.SELLER: means the entity that sold you YOUR AMBASSADORCONTRACT.WAITING PERIOD: means thirty (30) days from the CONTRACTPURCHASE DATE AND until the first reoccurring monthly paymenthas been paid pursuant to YOUR payment agreement AND onethousand (1,000) miles have been added to YOUR VEHICLE’sodometer (measured from the CONTRACT PURCHASE DATE). Thismeans that no claims for benefits will be approved during the thirtydays following the CONTRACT DATE (or a longer period of time ifYOUR first reoccurring monthly payment is not paid until after thefirst thirty days) AND until one thousand (1,000) miles have beenadded to YOUR VEHICLE’s odometer (measured from theCONTRACT PURCHASE DATE). YOUR COVERAGE begins after the“WAITING PERIOD” and will continue until the EXPIRATION DATE.During the WAITING PERIOD, no claims will be approved formechanical repairs, oil changes, roadside assistance or otherbenefits.WE, US, OUR, SERVICE PROVIDER and OBLIGOR: means PROTECTMY CAR LLC (who is the party responsible to YOU for the benefitsunder this AMBASSADOR CONTRACT).YOU, YOUR and CONTRACT HOLDER: means and refers to YOU, theperson(s) named as “CONTRACT HOLDER” on the REGISTRATIONPAGE of this AMBASSADOR CONTRACT.YOUR VEHICLE: means the vehicle covered by this CONTRACT asdescribed by its make, model and vin number on the Registrationpage of this CONTRACT.5PROTECT MY CAR AMBASSADOR PLATINUM 01/01/2020

HOW TO CONTACT USPlease use the following telephone numbers to reach US:IMPORTANT PHONE NUMBERS:Claims: 844-256-4762Contract Questions: 844-556-4762Roadside Assistance: 888-676-4762Billing Questions:844-567-4762Customer Service: 844-556-4762CONTRACTThis AMBASSADOR CONTRACT is an agreement between YOU andthe ADMINISTRATOR of this CONTRACT, PROTECT MY CAR LLC. TheSELLER is not a party to this CONTRACT and has no obligation to YOUregarding the benefits provided under this CONTRACT. TheADMINISTRATOR, PROTECT MY CAR LLC, is the party responsible toYOU for the benefits under this AMBASSADOR CONTRACT.This AMBASSADOR CONTRACT provides coverage for YOUR VEHICLEfor the TERM stated on the REGISTRATION PAGE. The EXPIRATIONDATE is documented on the REGISTRATION PAGE.TERMS AND CONDITIONSOUR obligations under this Contract are insured under an InsurancePolicy issued by Virginia Surety Company, Inc., 175 West JacksonBlvd., Chicago, Illinois 60604. In the event WE cease to operate, arebankrupt or benefits are not provided within sixty (60) days afterproof of eligibility for benefits has been filed, YOU may file a directclaim with Virginia Surety Company, Inc. To do so, please call thefollowing toll-free number for instructions: 1-800-209-6206.THIS AMBASSADOR CONTRACT IS SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWINGTERMS, CONDITIONS, LIMITATIONS, EXTENSIONS, EXCEPTIONS,EXCLUSIONS AND DEFINITIONS. NO PERSON HAS THE AUTHORITYTO CHANGE THIS CONTRACT OR TO WAIVE ANY OF ITS PROVISIONS.PROTECT MY CAR AMBASSADOR PLATINUM 01/01/20206

THIS CONTRACT IS FOR THE SOLE BENEFIT OF THE CONTRACTHOLDER NAMED HEREIN AND APPLIES ONLY TO THE VEHICLEDESCRIBED ON THE REGISTRATION PAGE OF THIS CONTRACT.THE AMBASSADOR PROMISEAs an AMBASSADOR CONTRACT HOLDER, YOU have the peace ofmind of knowing that YOUR repair cost for the entire CONTRACTPERIOD (after the WAITING PERIOD) will NEVER be more thanTwenty-Five Percent (25%) of the LICENSED REPAIR FACILITY’soriginal estimate for repair of each covered MECHANICALBREAKDOWN, and that we will pay for oil changes, tire rotations,road side assistance and other benefits as provided in YOURCONTRACT (up to the maximum limits of liability of the policy),saving you those costs as well.YOUR RESPONSIBILITIESTo be eligible for the benefits offered under YOUR AMBASSADORCONTRACT, YOUR account must be in good standing (which meansyour reoccurring monthly payments are up to date per YOURmonthly payment agreement). YOU are responsible for providingroutine maintenance on YOUR VEHICLE subject to themanufacturer’s recommendations set forth in YOUR owner’smanual or otherwise.HOW TO MAKE A CLAIMUpon notice of a MECHANICAL BREAKDOWN or FAILURE, YOU mustprotect the VEHICLE from any further damage. YOU are required tosafely pull YOUR VEHICLE off the road and shut off the engineimmediately (when the lights or gauges indicate a problem) andcontact OUR 24-hour ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE program to get helpand/or to have YOUR VEHICLE towed.YOU are required to pay the DEDUCTIBLE, which is your portion ofthe repair cost, before WE pay the LICENSED REPAIR FACILITY thebalance due for the repair work. If you pay your deductible to US,YOU must also sign and provide US with a standard Credit CardAuthorization Form that WE will provide to YOU, as well as providea copy of the Credit Card Holder’s driver’s license and a copy (frontand back) of the credit card before any payment will be made to theLICENSED REPAIR FACILITY. YOU may send these forms and copieselectronically to filings@ProtectMyCar.com7PROTECT MY CAR AMBASSADOR PLATINUM 01/01/2020

If YOU have a MECHANICAL BREAKDOWN or FAILURE, and YOUwant to use YOUR AMBASSADOR CONTRACT, present the LICENSEDREPAIR FACILITY with the card from YOUR CONTRACT book (thiscard has OUR Claims Department's telephone number and YOURCONTRACT number on it) and instruct them to call US, at thetelephone number provided herein, PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITHANY REPAIRS. They MUST obtain an approval number from OURClaims Department PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH ANY REPAIRS. Ifany work is started prior to contacting US, WE cannot guaranteeYOUR claim for the repair will be approved or that YOU will save anymoney on the repair. YOU must have the LICENSED REPAIR FACILITYcontact our Claims Department before beginning repair work so wecan ensure that YOU save money.We reserve the right to instruct or allow a LICENSED REPAIRFACILITY to use non-original or non-manufacturer parts in repairingYOUR VEHICLE.In order to determine the cause of a MECHANICAL BREAKDOWNwith YOUR VEHICLE, the LICENSED REPAIR FACILITY may need toperform diagnostic tests on certain components. The labor hoursfor the diagnosis will require YOUR authorization (and will beincluded along with parts and labor in determining YOUR savings onall approved claims).ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE COVERAGEYOU will be protected by OUR Roadside Assistance Program for thefull term of this CONTRACT. OUR Roadside Assistance Programprovides YOU with TWO (2) Roadside Assistance calls per year foreach year of YOUR CONTRACT term.Roadside Assistance benefits include: Jump Starting YOUR VEHICLE,Lock-Out Service, Flat Tire Change, VEHICLE Fluid Delivery, andTowing Services. YOU are responsible for the cost of the VEHICLE'sgas or other fluids, as well as any necessary key cutting. Towing islimited to one (1) tow within a seventy-two (72) hour period withoutprior authorization from US. Towing is limited from the point ofbreakdown to a LICENSED REPAIR FACILITY (not to YOUR home, orfrom repair shop to repair shop, without prior authorization fromUS).PROTECT MY CAR AMBASSADOR PLATINUM 01/01/20208

All Roadside Assistance services are available 24 hours a day, 365days a year. The maximum amount that will be paid out for any oneoccurrence is ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ( 100.00), which shallinclude all towing charges, service charges, taxes, and related costs.If the total cost of any one occurrence exceeds ONE HUNDREDDOLLARS ( 100.00), the additional cost will be YOUR responsibility.Only calls to OUR toll-free number will be honored by thisCONTRACT and only non-accident related incidents are covered bythis ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE COVERAGE.MAINTENANCE PACKAGEYOU are entitled to a maximum of three (3) OEM oil changes peryear, which will be paid by US to the LICENSED REPAIR FACILITYperforming the oil change. The number of oil changes will beallotted to YOU based on YOUR vehicle’s requirements set by theManufacturer’s guidelines, so if YOUR vehicle needs the oil changedevery 7,500 miles, WE will only cover the cost of YOUR oil changeevery 7,500 miles.YOU may also elect to pay for, or perform, YOUR own oil change andWE will reimburse YOU for the full cost of YOUR oil change uponreceipt of the paid invoice from the LICENSED REPAIR FACILITY orproof of purchase of the oil and oil filter if YOU performed the oilchange YOURSELF.YOU will also be allotted tire rotations on every other oil change (notto exceed two (2) tire rotations per year).RENTAL CAR REIMBURsem*nTYOUR Rental Car cost while YOUR vehicle is being repaired will besubject to reimbursem*nt at a rate of up to THIRTY DOLLARS( 30.00) per day, not to exceed 3 days or a maximum of NINETYDOLLARS ( 90.00) per occurrence. WE have no obligation toreimburse any rental charges resulting from a LICENSED REPAIRFACILITY’s delay, misdiagnoses or the unavailability of parts. Rentalcar reimbursem*nt will be available for all approved repairs thatrequire a minimum of four (4) hours of labor or more. Approvedrental car benefits will continue only through the day the repair hasbeen completed and the VEHICLE is ready for pickup. YOU will berequired to pay the cost of the rental car and submit YOUR paidreceipt to US for approval and reimbursem*nt.9PROTECT MY CAR AMBASSADOR PLATINUM 01/01/2020

TRIP INTERRUPTION REIMBURsem*nTIf, after the WAITING PERIOD, YOUR VEHICLE becomes inoperablemore than One Hundred Fifty (150) miles from YOUR home andmust remain at the LICENSED REPAIR FACILITY overnight on anapproved claim for a MECHANICAL BREAKDOWN, WE will reimburseYOU for motel and restaurant expenses up to FIFTY DOLLARS( 50.00) per day for a maximum of three (3) days. The maximumbenefit per occurrence is ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS( 150.00). Total trip interruption benefits are subject to, and areincluded in, the aggregate LIMIT OF LIABILITY for this CONTRACT. Toreceive motel and restaurant reimbursem*nt, YOU must supply USwith receipts from the providers of such services.HOW YOUR LICENSED REPAIR FACILITY FILES A CLAIMYOUR LICENSED REPAIR FACILITY MUST follow these steps whenhandling a claim:1. Have the REGISTERED OWNER authorize the LICENSED REPAIRFACILITY to diagnose the VEHICLE to determine the cause offailure and the cost of the repair. Save all components(including fluids and filters) in the event that OUR ClaimsAdvisor requires an outside inspection.2. Determine the cause of failure and call US to provide a completeestimate showing the parts that have failed, the cost of eachpart and the number of hours required to install the new parts.3. Obtain OUR authorization to complete the repairs.4. Submit the final invoice, which must contain the AMBASSADORCONTRACT NUMBER, VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER,authorization number and the authorized amount, to US (CallUS to determine the most convenient method for YOU to supplythe invoice to US).5. Please contact US with any questions at 844- 256-4762.PROTECT MY CAR AMBASSADOR PLATINUM 01/01/202010

ADDITIONAL CONTRACT PROVISIONSCOMMERCIAL VEHICLES: This CONTRACT is available forcommercial VEHICLES not rated over one-ton capacity (13,600GVW) and where the appropriate surcharge is paid at the time ofpurchase. Acceptable commercial applications are as follows:UBER, LYFT, DELIVERY, MESSENGER, ROUTE SALES or AIRGARDENING, CARRYING HAND TOOLS to the job site, FARMING orRANCHING.LIMITS OF LIABILITY: OUR aggregate LIMIT OF LIABILITY for allclaims and benefits payable under this CONTRACT shall neverexceed FIFTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ( 15,000.00). OUR LIMIT OFLIABILITY for any one single authorized claim/repair under thisCONTRACT shall never exceed the actual cash value of YOURVEHICLE (as of the purchase date of this CONTRACT) or the contractpurchase price (as shown on the Registration page), whichever isgreater.OEM vs. LKQ: YOU may select OEM replacement parts. If such OEMparts have a higher acquisition cost than the same LKQ parts, YOUagree to pay the difference in addition to YOUR DEDUCTIBLE.REIMBURsem*nT: If YOU elect to pay for oil changes, tire rotationsand/or roadside assistance claims that would otherwise be paid byUS directly to the provider of those services, YOU may file a claimfor reimbursem*nt of those costs with US. Any amounts paid byYOU for MECHANICAL BREAKDOWNS, completed in whole, or inpart, without prior notice to US, shall NOT be subject toREIMBURsem*nT. Any amounts paid by YOU for MECHANICALBREAKDOWNS, prior to a claim being filed by a LICENSED REPAIRFACILITY and authorized by US, shall NOT be subject toreimbursem*nt.11PROTECT MY CAR AMBASSADOR PLATINUM 01/01/2020

SUBROGATION: After YOU receive any benefits under thisCONTRACT, WE are entitled to all of YOUR rights of recoveryagainst ANY manufacturer, repair facility or any other party that isresponsible to YOU, for the costs covered by this CONTRACT andfor any payment made by US. If WE ask, YOU agree to help USenforce these rights.YOU agree that WE, after honoring a claim on YOUR CONTRACT,have all rights of subrogation against those who may beresponsible for YOUR MECHANICAL BREAKDOWN or FAILURE. YOUshall do whatever is necessary to secure such rights. YOU shall donothing to prejudice such rights, and YOU shall execute and deliverto US all instruments and papers required to either secure ormaintain such rights. All amounts recovered by YOU for which YOUwere previously reimbursed under YOUR CONTRACT shall becomeOUR property, or the property of OUR designee, and shall beforwarded to US by YOU (up to the total amount paid by US underYOUR CONTRACT).TERRITORY: means the contiguous forty-eight states of the UnitedStates of America and Canada. No claims will be approved forMECHANICAL REPAIRS, maintenance or roadside assistance, or forother benefits, if the supplier of those services is located, or theclaim arose, outside the contiguous forty-eight states of the UnitedStates of America or Canada.TRANSFERABILITY: This CONTRACT is transferable to anotherconsumer. There is a fifty-dollar ( 50) transfer fee to coveradministrative costs associated with a transfer. To transfer thisCONTRACT, contact Customer Service.CANCELLATIONYOU may cancel this CONTRACT by contacting US by phone. YOUwill be required to request the cancellation in writing.To cancel this CONTRACT, send US a written, signed requestincluding the contract number, date of requested cancellation, andodometer mileage at date of cancellation.This CONTRACT will terminate when YOU sell YOUR VEHICLE orwhen this CONTRACT is cancelled.PROTECT MY CAR AMBASSADOR PLATINUM 01/01/202012

THIRTY (30) DAY FREE LOOK: In the event that YOU cancel thisCONTRACT within the first thirty (30) days, YOU are entitled to a fullrefund of your down payment minus the cost of any benefitsreceived.REFUNDS AFTER THIRTY DAYS: After the Free Look Period, YOU maycancel this CONTRACT at any time, and you will be entitled to arefund based on the pro rata portion of any CONTRACT PURCHASEPRICE that YOU have actually paid based on elapsed time. YOU willbe responsible for a fifty-dollar ( 50.00) cancellation fee.WE will cancel this AMBASSADOR CONTRACT only for nonpaymentof the CONTRACT PURCHASE PRICE, a material misrepresentationby YOU to US, or a substantial breach of duties by YOU relating tothe covered VEHICLE under this CONTRACT or its use.EXCLUSIONSThe following parts and services are excluded from coverage:repair costs that do not meet the definition of MECHANICALBREAKDOWNS; such items that are not MECHANICALBREAKDOWNS are excluded from coverage and include routinemaintenance (except oil changes and tire rotations allowed underthis CONTRACT), wear and tear items, repairs or replacement ofparts that are not OEM standard parts, including non-OEMperformance enhancement parts or components, parts orcomponents that are under a manufacturer’s warranty or recall,any vehicle retrofitted with aftermarket equipment in order to usealternative fuels (i.e., methanol, ethanol, etc.) or repairs, damageor breakdowns which are the result of collisions, accidents, ownerneglect or abuse. Consequential damages are excluded unlessspecifically provided herein.The following components are explicitly excluded:Air / Fuel Filters, Air Bag Systems and Components, AlternativeFuel Systems, Batteries, Belts, Body and Trim Items, Body Frame,Brake Drums, Brake Pads, Brake Rotors, Brake Shoes, Bulbs,Catalytic Converters, Collision Damage, Convertible Tops, ElectricPowered or Hybrid Fuel Parts and Components, Exhaust Pipes,Fasteners, Fluids, Glass, Headlight Assemblies, Hoses, Key Fobsand Keys, Light Bulbs, Lubricants, Manual Transmission ClutchAssemblies, Mufflers, Nuts, Paint, Sealed Beams, Seat BeltAssemblies, Seat Frames, Sheet Metal, Shocks, Spark Plug Wires,Spark Plugs, Struts, Sun/Moon Roofs, Tail Light Assemblies,Upholstery, Washers and Bolts, Weather Strips, Wheels & Tiresand Wiper Blades.13PROTECT MY CAR AMBASSADOR PLATINUM 01/01/2020

This CONTRACT provides no benefits or COVERAGE, and WE haveno obligation under this CONTRACT, for the following:1. Any REPAIR or REPLACEMENT of a covered componentperformed without prior AUTHORIZATION by PROTECT MY CAR tothe LICENSED REPAIR FACILITY.2. Any breakdown caused by the policyholder’s failure to protectthe VEHICLE from further damage, including but not limited to,failure to replace leaking seals and/or gaskets; improper use of theVEHICLE or parts, or by the failure of the policyholder to maintainproper qualities or levels of coolant and/or lubricants.3. Any mechanical problem(s) that existed prior to the purchaseof this CONTRACT, or which arose during the CONTRACT WAITINGPERIOD; or for repair costs or expenses reported or made after theexpiration date as shown on the CONTRACT Registration Page.4. If the odometer of the VEHICLE is broken or becomes inoperableor unreliable, for any reason, and repairs were not madeimmediately at the time of the failure, or if the odometer has beentampered with, disconnected or altered in any way. If YOU havenot promptly repaired a defective odometer, this exclusionapplies, and this vehicle service CONTRACT will be CANCELLED byUS.5. If the CONTRACTHOLDER cannot provide to US, theADMINISTRATOR, accurate/verifiable maintenance recordsproving that the VEHICLE has been maintained in accordance withthe manufacturer’s maintenance schedule as outline in theVEHICLE’S owner’s manual (i.e., Oil Changes, TransmissionService, Fluid Exchanges, etc.).6. A component or part which has not failed or resulted in aBREAKDOWN, but which a repair facility recommends or requiresto be repaired, or replaced, solely based on a manufacturer’srecommendation to upgrade the VEHICLE.7. Liability for damage to property, or for injury or death arisingout of operation, maintenance or use of YOUR VEHICLE describedin this vehicle service CONTRACT.8. Coverage under this vehicle service CONTRACT applies only toMECHANICAL BREAKDOWNS. Items that are not MECHANICALBREAKDOWNS are excluded (except as otherwise provided herein)PROTECT MY CAR AMBASSADOR PLATINUM 01/01/202014

from coverage and include routine maintenance (including fluidchanges and tire rotations), wear and tear items, repairs orreplacement of parts that are not OEM standard parts, includingnon-OEM performance enhancement parts or components, partsor components that are under a manufacturer’s warranty or recall,any vehicle retrofitted with aftermarket equipment in order to usealternative fuels (i.e., methanol, ethanol, etc.) or repairs, damageor breakdowns which are the result of collisions, accidents, ownerneglect or abuse. Consequential damages are excluded unlessspecifically provided herein.ARBITRATION AND DISPUTE RESOLUTIONUnresolved disputes between YOU and US concerning thisAMBASSADOR CONTRACT will be subject to non-binding arbitration.Under this arbitration provision, YOU have not given up YOUR rightto resolve ANY dispute(s) arising from this agreement by a judge orjury. In arbitration, a group of three (3) arbitrators (each of whomis an independent, neutral third party) will give a decision (afterhearing YOUR and OUR positions). The decision of a majority of thearbitrators will determine the outcome of the arbitration. However,the decision of the arbitrators will not be binding and may bereviewed or changed by, or appealed to, a court of law.To start arbitration, either YOU or WE must make a written demandto the other party for arbitration. This demand must be madewithin six (6) months from the time the dispute arose. YOU and WEwill each pay the expense of the arbitrator selected by that party.The expenses of the umpire will be shared equally by YOU and US.Unless otherwise agreed to by YOU and US, the arbitration will takeplace in Pinellas County, Florida. The arbitration shall govern allmatters arising out of, or relating to, this AMBASSADOR CONTRACT,and all transactions contemplated by this AMBASSADORCONTRACT, including without limitation, the validity, interpretation,construction, performance and enforcement of this AMBASSADORCONTRACT.15PROTECT MY CAR AMBASSADOR PLATINUM 01/01/2020



5 PROTECT MY CAR AMBASSADOR PLATINUM 01/01/2020 All PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS are excluded from coverage under this vehicle service CONTRACT. SELLER: means the entity that sold you YOUR AMBASSADOR CONTRACT. WAITING PERIOD: means thirty (30) days from the CONTRACT PURCHASE DATE AND until the first reoccurring monthly payment

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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

Address: Apt. 994 8891 Orval Hill, Brittnyburgh, AZ 41023-0398

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Job: District Marketing Strategist

Hobby: Embroidery, Bodybuilding, Motor sports, Amateur radio, Wood carving, Whittling, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.